Hey, Warrior. What are you fighting for?

In the past week, we’ve seen warriors in the form of Emma Gonzalez and her classmates - survivors of yet another school shooting - speaking out about gun control. We’ve seen Olympians competing for a medal they’ve trained their entire careers for.  And if you’ve looked in the mirror recently, you’ve seen a warrior there too.

Last weekend, I got to see “Black Panther” - and the warrior women of Wakanda.  I left the theater thoroughly entertained, but also with a strong sense of pride.  Pride for my former triathlon teammate, Nate Moore, who, as an Executive Producer, was the driving force behind the film’s making.  Pride for everyone involved in this revolutionary movie.  But also pride in who I am - a badass, warrior black woman.  Seeing the power of students, Olympians and Wakandans got me thinking about the strength within me, and the dreams and causes that I fight for.

So my first question is this:  

When do you feel like a warrior?

For me, it’s when I’m working out. I’m sweating and my heart rate is elevated - on my yoga mat, on my bike, on a run, in a HIIT class.  My body and mind are in sync and I’m pretty damn invincible. I also tapped into the warrior mindset while in labor with my son, because, well, every woman who births a child is a warrior.  During those beast mode moments, I’m able to access this well of power that seems bottomless.  

But then the question becomes,

What do you do with that power?  

My challenge to you is to become more aware of what comes next.  And maybe, harness even an ounce of that strength to fight for something you truly believe in.  

My Dad is African-American. He fought for civil rights. My mom is a Punjabi Sikh. Her middle name is Kaur - the name given to all Sikh women, to represent equality and as a symbol of the women who fought alongside the men. She fought for love and kindness. Every single one of us comes from a warrior legacy. Our ancestors fought for us to be here. So let’s carry on the tradition, and keep fighting for those causes that really matter - the ones that are bigger than ourselves.  


Create space . . . to create


Oh, hi! Welcome.